CODE: UK240930 Instruction style
I like allowing students to express themselves,
and to not fixate too heavily on mistakes that are unlikely to
impact upon their communication with other people in English.
Of course, during my time tutoring on other websites,
where I have helped students with their grammar,
conversational English, and business English,
I had to vary this approach a little bit based on what each student needed.
However, I will be teaching working professionals on this platform.
Therefore, I will only be prioritising vocabulary, mispronunciation,
and grammar that requires urgent attention, to allow
for effective communication in business situations.
I strongly believe that the students on this platform
will not need to be English experts,
but to have a level of English that will allow their international business
meetings, negotiations, and discussions to run smoothly.
I also intend to help these students to understand other subtleties
such as: intonation, body language, and
cultural differences when conducting business.
CODE: UK240402 Instruction style
I like to teach more interactive classes,
where the focus is on what the student is really passionate about.
This makes it a more fun, enjoyable and
result oriented class where the student really learns.
CODE: UK241231 Instruction style
I can personalise lessons teaching Business English.
I build confidence and fluency by listening patiently
and correcting mistakes in conversation.
I teach vocabulary for Business English and can teach grammar if needed.
I have a TEFL certificate.
CODE: UK240831 Instruction style
My name is Manny, and I specialize in IELTS, TOEIC,
and Cambridge preparation, as well as preparing for
job and college applications and interviews.
I also offer coaching in public speaking, presentations,
business and academic English, and written English projects,
essays, and emails.
I'm a qualified Business Coach and English Tutor with extensive
experience working with students in various countries around the world.
My focus is on helping adults improve their conversational English
by providing immediate corrections and using these corrections
in real-world examples.
I aim to increase your vocabulary by using idioms, specialized phrases,
and business terminology to boost your confidence in both public
and private settings.
CODE: UK240921 Instruction style
Start the lesson with a conversation, asking about the students day and getting to know them.
Then review language of previous lesson and go over any mistakes from the conversation.
Go into a grammar exercise, usually online.
Do a listening using a podcast or news story.
Do a reading exercise. Review new words from lesson
CODE: UK241129 Instruction style
5+ years experience teaching. Clear English accent.
Laid back, student centred approach. I teach IELTS speaking/writing and TOEFL.
Help writing CVs & cover letters.
Improve students confidence with speaking, reading, listening & writing skills.
CODE: UK220807 Instruction style
Friendly, approachable and patient
ネイティブ英会話 / セナ・イングリッシュ / 英国の先生
CODE: UK240607 Instruction style
I am a dedicated and driven TEFL teacher from the UK.
I have over four years' experience teaching English as a foreign language.
As well as my CELTA qualification,
I have a masters degree in Acting therefore
I have a good knowledge about accents and how the voice works.
I speak with received pronunciation (RP) in my lessons.
Due to my actor training, I have excellent voice skills.
There will be an emphasis on pronunciation in lessons so prepare to be corrected a lot.
Depending on the quality of your pronunciation,
I will take you through each phoneme sound at a time.
You will master the position of the jaw, mouth, lips and
the placement of the tongue for each phoneme sound.
I teach received pronunciation (RP) speech to my advanced students.
I will also heavily target grammar and vocabulary during lessons.
Each skill will be utilised in order for you to apply the grammar learnt in lessons.
Homework can be set to extend your learning outside of lessons.
I do have small discussions with my students
but conversation doesn't take over the whole lesson.
If conversation is all you are after, my areas of interest are;
health, nutrition, wellness, fitness, homeopathy, spirituality and astrology.
I really motivate and push my students to excel in their skills so
I am looking for dedicated and driven students.
CODE: UK240521 Instruction style
My teaching style is logical and methodical,
particularly suited for online IELTS instruction.
Many of my students appreciate how I systematically break down
complex elements, making them easy to understand.
I use a lot of concept-checking questions to ensure comprehension
and always fully consolidate key points.
I provide clear examples and model answers to guide students
before they attempt tasks on their own. Additionally,
I incorporate creativity into my lessons, making them fun, engaging, and unique.
This approach keeps my students attentive and focused throughout the sessions.
CODE: UK230520 Instruction style
My teaching is tailored to the student' personality and needs.
This is the approach I fostered after many years teaching English
in Hiroshima with Nova School.
I teach all the way from beginners to advanced English students
CODE: UK220522 Instruction style
I like to teach my students in a relaxed and conversational manner,
where I can correct their speaking and build their speaking confidence.
I am also great at working through lesson material to help
students understand the subjects.
CODE: UK014 Instruction style
I am a dynamic teacher who creates engaging lessons using up to date
materials and realia.
I can tailor lessons to the students needs.
CODE: UK220922 Instruction style
My teaching style is patient and caring to focus on pronunciation
and providing easy guidance.
I am an enthusiastic, passionate, fun, and creative who
discovers simple approaches to make students understand English.
I help students with, grammar and pronunciation.
Sensitive to different perspectives, encouraging student
feedback regarding teaching methods, and applying it to enhance learning.
I teach beginners, intermediate and advance level students.
CODE: UK220312, Irish Instruction style
I adapt my style to suit the student's needs, so if they want a fun and conversational
class or a goal-oriented lesson with particular grammar focus or vocabulary building
I am ready when you are!
CODE: UK0230113 Instruction style
I tailor my lessons to suit your needs, motivations and interests.
I encourage all of my students to ask questions and talk as much as possible
in order to create a fun and relaxed learning environment where you can feel
comfortable to express yourself in a new language.
With eight years of teaching experience, I can provide specific and
tailored support to suit your unique grammar and
lingustic needs as well as general conversation practice on a wide range of topics.
I have an excellent track record of improving student’s confidence
and fluency in real life situation.
And I really enjoy seeing my students improve in a short space of time.
In the past I have focused on the fields of business English,
general conversation as well as university exam prep.
CODE: UK0221012 Instruction style
I utilise a variety of resources when teaching my clients to suit their preferences
and learning styles and I adapt my resources to suit their linguistic requirements.
Most importantly,
I advocate the development of grammar and receptive skills together in my teaching.
ネイティブ英会話 / セナ・イングリッシュ / 英国の先生 l
CODE: UK007 Instruction style
My background from university understands how learning a language works.
The brain loves rhythm, melody and repetition,.
In order to access, grow and develop language we need repeated stimulation
which leads to stronger neural connections.
The younger, the better for this to take place.
We need to train the brain in favourable conditions for a positive outcome
in learning english
Listening and speaking instruction style by asking questions repeatedly
CODE: UK230911 Instruction style
I like to ensure that my students have understood what
I have taught them before moving forward with any lesson.
Consolidation tasks and/or homework are also things
that I consider to be quite important,
as they allow me to understand how well
the student has understood the target language/lesson objective.
I also like to strike a balance between correcting my students,
and allowing them to talk. If there are glaring errors, or repeated errors,
I prefer to step in as soon as possible but, otherwise,
I don't place as great an emphasis on interrupting the students
when their errors aren't directly impacting the point that they're trying to communicate.
CODE: UK220123 Instruction style
I am quite an informal, humorous teacher.
I concern myself most with intelligibility,
rather than endless drilling of grammar
CODE: UK221108 Instruction style
My instruction style uses simple language succinctly and politely.
I apply a communicative approach so that the student learns to use grammatically correct
English through real life application.
I usually include multimedia devices and technology to enhance teaching and
learning opportunities in lessons.
My lesson designs are based on Task-Based Learning (TBL) and on the PPP approaches
depending on the lesson topic, grammar, and objective for the student learning.
Loosely, the steps are warm-up, modeling, practice, production,
and feedback including error correction.
CODE: UK220415, Irish Instruction style
I cater my lessons to each individual student according to their wants and needs.
A student may be required to take an official English exam and in this case
I create classes according to a structure that allows us to cover all the areas required
for the specific exam.
On the other hand, a student may simply want to improve their speaking skills
for business and in this case I use materials that engage the student and
guide our conversation around relevant topics.
I believe student correction is very important but this must always be handled
in a way that is respectful to the student for example I do not interrupt a student
as they speak but make a note of the error and correct it
at another time and in a more general rather than direct way.
I have many years of teaching students of different ages,
levels and cultures which allows me to be confident,
friendly and professional in my classes.
CODE: UK220121 Instruction style
I am patient and thorough and I like to know
that the student has understood a point before moving on to the next topic.
I try to get the student to speak as much as they can by making them feel
as comfortable as possible.
I will correct a student and practise pronounciation together.
Every student is different and I change my approach according to
the student´s personality and needs.
I am patient and kind.
CODE: UK006 Instruction style
I have a very active approach to teaching, this makes sure
my students learn as fast as possible and get all the help they need
CODE: UK020 Instruction style
I encourage you to speak as much as possible in the class. As you speak,
I write down your pronunciation and gramatical mistakes, to allow you to
improve your fluency while being aware of your mistakes.
When you have finished speaking, we discuss how you can improve, this
technique personalises the class to suit your individual needs.
This technique also gives you a list of your inaccuracies to look back on
and practice after the class to break the habit of making them,
and also allow you to see your improvements.
My classes can be used to help you improve your English for WORK, STUDY,
CODE: UK013 Instruction style
I believe I have a very open-type style when it comes to teaching practice
I have great people skills so most naturally gravitate towards me.
I believe a good initial connection will result in a good academic relationship;
this is achievable by being on the same respectful wavelength.
CODE: UK016 Instruction style
I like to create a cheerful and relaxed learning environment.
My goal is to help you to increase your English speaking confidence.
We can speak about your interests, ask each other questions, practice common
conversational topics, and improve your use of grammar.
I can offer suggestions and work with you on your English learning journey.
I can create lesson plans to suit you learning goals.
CODE: UK015 Instruction style
I will adapt my lesson to suit learner needs and give lots of spoken and written
feedback to learner English.
I put a lot of emphasis on error correction and will write down all of student
mistakes and give types on how to improve.
CODE: UK002 Instruction style
I always make every effort to create a positive learning environment to ensure
that students may participate purposefully in each lesson.
I am enthusiastic yet approachable, making sure that all students are in
a comfortable and stable learning environment at all times.
I am careful to ensure that all of my material is age and level appropriate.
I adapt my style of communication to ensure that it is appropriate to
the situation.
It is important to provide students with a learning environment in which
they can develop naturally and to their fullest potential.
I have learned that being clear about expectations, being assertive but fair
and being consistent is an effective approach.
I believe that the most powerful single factor that enhances achievement is
feedback - positive, encouraging and clearly targeted.
It is also important to remember that your lesson plan will never go exactly
as you would like it to, especially with very young learners.
Flexibility is of the utmost importance!
CODE: UK014 Instruction style
I am a good listener with lots of patience as I am aware learning a new language
can be very challenging
ネイティブ英会話 / セナ・イングリッシュ / 英国の先生
CODE: UK004 Instruction style
My teaching style is patient and caring to focus on pronunciation and providing
easy guidance.
I am an enthusiastic, passionate, fun, and creative who discovers simple
approaches to make students understand English.
I have been recognised for his accomplishments in teaching English in a
straightforward way.
I help students make making lesson plans, speaking exercises, and creating
educational games.
I teach beginners, intermediate and advance level students.